Sunday Service 10:00 am
Sunday School 9:00 am
2204 West Frontage Road
Tubac, Arizona. 85646
Please send mail to:
P.O. BOX 1864
Tubac, AZ, 85646
Connect with Family
The Church at Tubac is a family of believers in Jesus Christ, who gather together regularly for rich worship, authentic fellowship, and fun! We also have a heart to serve and give back to our community.
We welcome all those who share our belief in Jesus Christ, as well as those interested in discovering more about why our faith is so important to us, and life-changing for those who believe it. No matter where you are on your faith journey, here you will find hope, love, and direction. Come, explore, and grow with us!Sunday Services
All of our services are streamed and recorded on Youtube so you can check out our past services.
Vacation Bible School 2024
Every year The Church at Tubac hosts a Vacation Bible School program for ages 4 through 12 years old. It is our biggest and tremendously fun children’s program of the year! AND ITS FREE! Register now!
We would love for you to visit. Come connect with our church as we connect with Jesus and his Word.
Have Kids?
Great! We love kids. Join our other young families in bringing their children to church to grow and learn!
Our greatest desire is for people to become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that God is holy; he has no imperfection, sin, or impurity. The Bible also teaches that all people are sinners, separated from God because of sin. Since God is holy and we are not, we needed a Savior who could restore our relationship with God. It is impossible for us to be “good enough” to be accepted by God on our own merit. Enter Jesus. Because Jesus is the eternal, sinless Son of God who became man, lived a perfect life, died on the cross to pay our sin debt, and rose from the dead with victory over sin, death, and hell, salvation comes only through Jesus Christ. If we repent of our sins and trust Jesus Christ for salvation, we can be assured that we are saved. If you have not yet asked Jesus Christ to be Lord of your life, we encourage you to do so today.
Get Connected
Follow us on facebook at
and on Youtube at
Service Times
9:00 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Sunday Worship Service
Our Mission
We seek to glorify God and make disciples by connecting people to Jesus, His Word, and His Church
Our church’s mission is to connect people to Jesus, His Word and His Church. Not just point to God or talk about him or the bible, but to connect. We live in a very disconnected and distracted world. The stress of life can make us isolated and leave us with no time to focus on the things that matter. We want you to have a relationship with Jesus. We want you to be able to be connected to the truths of God’s Word. We want you to have a relationship with our church family.
We invite you to be connected.
Sunday Services
Missions Moment
Nogales | Rio Rico | Tubac | Amado | Green Valley | Sahuarita
#nogales #tubac #greenvalleyaz #rioricoaz #sahuarita #churchservice #southernarizona #amadoaz

Churge Blog
The Latest News & Updates
VBS Skit Videos
Saturday, April 29, 2023 Youth (13+yo), who have signed up to serve as VBS volunteers, are invited to participate in the VBS skit videos. We will meet at the fellowship hall at 10am to pre-record the videos for VBS week. A pizza lunch will be provided. Contact Karla...
Young at Heart Outing
Saturday, April 15, 2023 The Young at Heart (60+yo) group will be enjoying a guided tour of the Historic Canoa Ranch at 10:30am. The tour cost is $5/person. Following the tour, the group will enjoy lunch at Grill on the Green at the Canoa Golf Course. Contact Jan...
Easter Services
Sunday, April 9, 2023 An Easter Sunrise Service will be held at 6am at the home of Jack & Anna Mary Childs, 1165 W. Hawk Way in Amado. Cowboy coffee and a light breakfast will be provided. For more information, contact Jack at 520-975-6794 or Anna Mary at...